The skill of doing research online

Puneet Singh
2 min readDec 10, 2020


The ability to dig through the internet and find the hidden gold of information is a skill which when mastered can pay off tremendously. The patience to read through the threads, forums, articles and getting deep into a topic chasing its trails is a skill which comes in time and if mastered can help in learning any skill.

Like developing any skill one needs to put efforts into it, one needs to spend time doing it regularly.

Let’s take an example: If you want to learn a technology you can easily find the best ways of going about it explained by the experts of that technology itself, you will find there are communities based on the particular topic you are interested in. There are people with decades of experience in that subject ready to answer your question in forums, personal blogs, communities etc.

It’s only the matter of having patience and building the ability to dig through the information, weed out the irrelevant, fake ones and land onto the one you are looking for; this is important because as much as there is a high quality information, there is equally wrong, irrelevant information and this is the important part of developing skill of doing research online. Keep an eye open for scams, made up information, etc. In time, you will become expert in distinguishing between bad sources and the good ones, and quickly navigate through the web and learn, read about anything you desire!



Puneet Singh

Web developer. Computer Science Enthusiast. React.js | JavaScript | Python | C++ | Java |